
Dark Harbor: Gothic Horror Fantasy RPG Campaign Setting

Created by Infinium Game Studios

A gothic-horror fantasy RPG campaign setting for Pathfinder/5E, Dark Harbor is Ravenloft by way of Planescape, presented via Saw.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

BackerKit Update: Next Week
over 3 years ago – Wed, Nov 11, 2020 at 09:44:10 PM

Hi folks... just a quick note to say that the BackerKit survey has been completed, submitted, and accepted.  So we're ready to fire it off just as soon as Kickstarter gives us the go-ahead, which is two weeks after the campaign wraps.  So, Monday, most likely.

If there's something you want to see from a creative-input standpoint in terms of an add-on, just let me know and chances are really good that I'll add it on!


Campaign Wrap-Up Note
over 3 years ago – Wed, Nov 04, 2020 at 10:19:31 PM

Just a quick note as several of you had reached out to me... there seems to have been some weirdness with the campaign having ended, but cards not charged and notifications not being delivered until the following morning.

I believe everything is in order now, but just in case you were wondering, I don't know what happened but it seems okay now.


Success! THANK YOU, and Next Steps
over 3 years ago – Tue, Nov 03, 2020 at 03:28:52 AM

Hi all,

Thank you so very much for all of your support.  I couldn't be more thrilled with how things turned out, and it's all thanks to you.

What's Next

Kickstarter typically takes 2 weeks to do its thing--charge your cards, verify information, that sort of thing.

Once that's complete, I'll send out a BackerKit survey.  In it, you'll have the chance to select Add-Ons, change your pledge level, and confirm your email address and how you'd like your name to appear in the credits.

Until then: sit back and relax and bask in the glory of a job well done!


DIP! Pledge Manager, BackerKit, COVID-19, and Other Topics in Our Final Hours
over 3 years ago – Mon, Nov 02, 2020 at 12:13:17 PM

Final hours!  One final push.

Pledge Total Dip

In the last hour, the pledge total has dipped considerably.  Two backers have messaged me that due to financial hardship and general uncertainty, they haven't been able to back as much as they wanted to... this includes the backer who had asked for, and then backed out of, the "Master Progenitor" pledge level.

I totally get it; believe me, I do; my family has also been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 situation this year, and I can completely understand how it's maybe not the *optimal* time to make a big investment in discretionary hobbies.  I thank these backers for their interest, whether it's $1 or $2,666, and I especially thank them for letting me know the reasoning.

Stretch Goals

Given the circumstances, I'm inclined to still honor the fact that we broke through the remaining stretch goals.  I'd prefer that we still hit those targets, but I understand the situation and I know there's a lot of enthusiasm for what we've unlocked, and I'd hate to backpedal just because some folks are understandably and reasonably worried about their fiscal stance.

Pledge Manager / BackerKit

After the Kickstarter wraps up later today, I'll be sending out a BackerKit survey later this month once KS completes its processing.  In this, eveyrone will have the chance to change/upgrade their pledge levels.

So hopefully the backers who are concerned may have a bit better a situation at that point :)

Thank you all, whether you're a first-time backer or have followed IGS projects from the beginning; whether you've pledged $1 or $1,000; and no matter your circumstances.


Final 24 Hours! Add-On Questions ANSWERED
over 3 years ago – Sun, Nov 01, 2020 at 02:36:29 PM

We're in the home stretch with the campaign, which has turned out to be wildly successful.  Thanks once again to everyone for your excitement.

Add-Ons: Yeah, Pretty Much Everything

I've gotten a number of messages from folks eager to discover more of what IGS has published, asking if there will be an opportunity to select already-published products as Add-Ons. 

Yes, is the simple answer.  Once the campaign wraps up, later in November we'll be sending out BackerKit surveys; this is your chance to confirm your email address and pick any Add-Ons you'd like.

So until then, sit back and relax. 
